Call for Papers, Events

Call for Papers: Women in Society Conference

Women in Society from Historical Perspective: The Origins and Developments of Women’s Political, Social and Economic Engagement 

Mini Conference prior to Annual Meeting of Council of European Studies

University of Glasgow

July 11, 2017

A one-day conference for scholars with projects focused on women in society from a historical perspective. The conference welcomes submissions from scholars from a range of disciplines conducting research at the cross-section of gender, politics, history, sociology, and economics in Europe. Submissions are encouraged for works that employ quantitative or qualitative methodology.

The event will be held at the University of Glasgow on the 11th of July, the day before the annual meeting of the Council of European Studies in Glasgow 12-14 July 2017.

An all-day workshop featuring scholars from varied discipline with shared substantive interests will facilitate in-depth feedback for article and book-length projects.

Conference participants will further engage with one-another through casual conversation over lunch and dinner! The conference is graciously supported with a CES Small Events Grant.

To submit a proposal, send a paper title and abstract to Carissa Tudor at by March 15, 2017. Decisions will be distributed in April.

Please contact Mona Morgan-Collins ( or Carissa Tudor ( with any questions.


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