Gender and Politics in the media

US: GOP Must Get More Votes From Women. Top GOP women to recruit female candidates for 2014.

The GOP Wants to Make Sure Voters Know That Hillary Clinton Is an Older Woman New York Magazine The Republican Party, which has not been been popular with the kids of late, has a not so innovative strategy for taking the youth vote from Hillary Clinton if and when she decides to run for President in 2016: Remind the public that she is an older woman.

GOP Announces Female Candidate Recruitment Program Roll Call With a stagnant number of women in its caucus, the House GOP’s campaign organization announced a new program Friday, Project Grow, to recruit, mentor and elect more female candidates in 2014. “We need more women to run,” Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., said. “Project Grow will plant that seed that will get them thinking of doing it.”

CQ Roll Call reported earlier this week that the National Republican Congressional Committee was in the early stages of formalizing a female candidate recruitment program for the upcoming midterm cycle. The NRCC’s announcement was part of a joint event with six GOP committees that are making an new organized effort to help female candidates.

The “Women on the Right UNITE” effort is run by the Republican National Committee, NRCC, the National Republican Senatorial Committee, Republican State Leadership Committee, College Republican National Committee and Republican Governors Association. The goal is to help female candidates ascend to all levels of government.

Top Republican women aim to recruit female candidates for 2014 The Hill (blog) An autopsy report commissioned by Priebus following the election suggested that Republicans needed to change tone to win back female and young voters.

…But the women gathered Friday at the RNC will have a fresh set of questions on abortion rights, prompted by this week’s filibuster in the Texas state Senate over a proposed bill that would have shortened the period after conception during which a woman there could seek an abortion…

Women On The Right For the Republican Party PolicyMic Most women are not single-issue voters. To assume otherwise reeks of the same kind of sexism of which Democrats often accuse Republicans. We have women who have risen to the highest ranks in American business, who sit at the heads of boardrooms, …

Top GOP Females Looking to Recruit Women to Run in 2014 Town Hall Is anybody else sick of hearing that the Republican Party is full of old white men? How about the idea that Republicans started the war on women? Yeah, it’s pretty sickening and now the Republican National Committee is making new efforts to recruit female GOP candidates for 2014 to prove that Republicans are not anti-woman and there are plenty of us out there.

A new group called “Women on the Right Unite” will look to promote the recruitment of female GOP candidates. Republicans lost women to the Democrats in 2012 at a 55 to 43 percent margin. The national organizations believe that recruiting more female candidates will encourage female voters to vote Republican. A strategy session was held with the RNC, NRSC, RGA, NRCC, CRNC and the RSLC to discuss the future of this group.

GOP Launches Initiative to Woo Female Candidates, Voters WLS “For the first time ever all six committees are coming together to show you that we recognize America needs more women involved in political leadership and to show our commitment as a party to developing better relationships with women voters,” Priebus .

Republicans Search High and Low for Women to Run as Republicans Truthdig According to The Washington Post (via Political Wire), the Republican National Committee has launched a campaign called “Women on the Right Unite” with the aim of recruiting female candidates and, by extension, voters. But as Emily’s List, a group with …

GOP’s Push to Woo Female Candidates, Voters ABC News WASHINGTON–Calling it a “historic commitment” the Republican National Committee and five other GOP committees launched several new initiatives Friday aimed at recruiting more female candidates and courting more women to join the party.

“We are not a coalition, we are not an outreach group,” RNC co-chair Sharon Day said at a press conference announcing the push. “We are the majority of the voters out there, we are 53 percent of the voters and this party understands this.” Day pledged to “do more to make sure our representation and our party…looks like what our country looks like.”

GOP launches programs to recruit more women Washington Post National Republicans on Friday launched a series of programs aimed at recruiting more female candidates and getting conservative women involved in politics. The National Republican Congressional Committee’s “Project GROW” (Growing Republican …

GOP Must Get More Votes From Women Wall Street Journal Karl Rove’s “More White Votes Alone Won’t Save the GOP” (op-ed, June 27) focuses on the GOP’s need to attract more Hispanic and other minority voters but ignores the segment of the population that caused the GOP to lose not only the 2012 presidential …

More women in Ky. participating in politics Huntington Herald Dispatch The six-month Emerge course teaches women about skills candidates need such as public speaking and fundraising. Nine of 11 graduates last year won elections, mostly in local contests. “I raised more money than my opponents,” said Kerry Holleran, 34, …

Women And Men Need This Instead Of Quotas Forbes …3) Realization that women’s issues are no longer women’s issues — they are also men’s issues, societal issues, global issues. One example would be that men are striving for a work / life balance more so than in the past. According to a recent study on “Modern Parenting”  by The Pew Research Center, 53% of all working parents say it is difficult for them to balance the responsibilities of their job with the responsibilities of their family: 56% of mothers and 50% of fathers say juggling work and family life is difficult for them.

3 thoughts on “US: GOP Must Get More Votes From Women. Top GOP women to recruit female candidates for 2014.”

  1. Reblogged this on The Moral Communities Project and commented:
    Recent articles about GOP efforts to increase support among women. Is the description of GOP policies as a “War on Women” fair? Will these moves by the GOP be successful? What do you think?

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